Hi, I’m Pastor/Mentor Zakiya Robinson
Welcome, Pastor Zakiya Robinson is here to help build, encourage, develop, heal, and deliver those who have trauma and or have dealt with narcissistic abuse. Being a victim herself, she faced PTSD from the toxic relationships. Pastor Zakiya was in a narcissistic relationship for 10-plus years with a classic/covert narc and a malignant narc. Through inner healing, deliverance, and coaching, Pastor Zakiya overcame what she went through. God now uses Pastor Zakiya in the areas of healing, deliverance, repairing, witnessing, and encouraging those going through narcissistic abuse. God has anointed her to do His work and to Serve His People. We want you to take one day at a time and know you will overcome all that was done to you.
She has written three books.
1) My Journey To Salvation "Giving Thanks In Every Circumstance
2) Defeating Jezebel "Overcoming Fear & Anxiety"
3) Narcissistic Manual "Thriving After Narcissism"
Do You Need Intensive Coaching
Do you need to learn how to forgive?
Do you have a bitter and angry heart?
Are you mad at God?
Are you blaming others?
Do you isolate yourself?
Are you separated from God?
Way’s We Can Help 1:1
Narcissistic Abuse Coaching
Become confident and gain your identity back.
Overcome PTSD and fears.
Heal from the abuse that you faced.
Set healthy boundaries.
Build your relationship with God.
Mentor Coaching
Need help building your relationship with God?
Hold you accountable to your faith.
Dont know where to start with God?
Are you ready to forgive and heal?
Are you ready to build your faith?
Zeihkia (Women's Group)
Pastor Zakiya has been an accountability source for me not only on my praying fasting but ruling out strongholds that prevent my growth into what GOD has next for me. With her guidance, I'm learning how to pray and learn with other women on GOD.
Katalina (Coaching)
She is a wonderful teacher and minister who helped me tremendously through various challenges. Great woman of God!
Markita (YouTube Viewer)
Watching just one of her videos will change the trajectory of your life. Whether you do or don’t have The Spirit of discernment, whatever you are going through… watch one of her videos, and Christ will connect the two of you if it’s in His Will. That’s all it took for me, I knew nothing about her… even went back and forth about her to God for months, and he led me right back to her!. Anointed woman of God and very relatable to life’s real situations.
Ramon (YouTube & TikTok Viewer)
Pastor Zakiya is literally a wealthy fountain of knowledge for those who are dealing narcissistic abuse. We all deal with narcissism on some level, whether in our family or with our friends and colleagues we mustn’t ignore the knowledge and wisdom that is available to us and Pastor Z provides that knowledge through her vast experiences with the perplexities and challenges of narcissism. She has a Coach, a mentor and a warrior who has first-hand experience in the narcissistic battlefield. Her books are amazing and need to be purchased. I have all three of them. They’ve been such a help to me with my battles with narcissism in my family and I know they’ll be extremely beneficial to all who need guidance and mentorship. Do yourself a favor and go get her books. They are a must read.
Olivette (Inner Healing)
Pastor Zakiya has been such a blessing. To know that someone genuinely wants you to experience true freedom helps keep you on track.. That genuineness allows you to keep an open mind and not be guarded. it allows you to literally let the holy spirit have his way.. I would recommend her for inner healing and deliverance. hers videos and lives on YouTube have been so helpful to my journey ..
Tavia (Mentorship)
Zakiya has so many programs to help keep you in alignment with the Lord also how to fight the enemy and stay on alert on how to fight the enemy. There’s a curriculum that helps with inner healing!! �
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